11 avril 2011

Lignes de conduite

8 commentaire(s):

Justin Blanton a dit…

Beautiful shot.

Swoo a dit…

Well, thank you, Justin, for coming and commenting on my photoblog. I see you are also an amateur photographer. I don't have the time right now to have a good look at your website but will certainly soon. But from what I've just been able to see quickly, it looks really nice and varied. :-)

In case you're wondering about this picture, though, it's the rear window of the VW Beetle of a friend of mine, taken in a dewy morning.

Swoo a dit…

I'm not sure you'll come back here to read this but maybe you will, so...

I've just had a careful look at the first 50-or-so photos on your blog. I really liked most of them but, as I understood it, you're using a whole range of cheating devices like Photoshop and Lightroom... I personally don't like the use of intensive processing for photographs. That's why I can't really love your pictures. I have the feeling what I see is untrue, or rather, purposely "de-spoilted". But your work is really impressive and I do love your compositions, though!

If you're still reading on after my little criticism, would you agree to inform me about how you discovered my photoblog, please?

Arès a dit…

Ah là ça fuite.

Swoo a dit…

Ah bon ? A quoi tu vois ça ? Il s'agit du circuit de dégivrage arrière d'une Coccinelle et les gouttes d'eau sont que de la rosée, tu sais...

Arès a dit…

« Ça fuite » dans le sens « lignes de fuite ».

Je pensais que c'était une roue de vélo derrière une vitre. ;-p

Swoo a dit…

Ah, tu voulais dire : "Ca fuit" ! Du verbe "fuire", et pas du faux-verbe "fuiter", comme quand il y a une fuite.

Marrant comme interprétation ! J'aurais pas pensé qu'on puisse y voir ça. :-D Ceci dit, maintenant tu dois comprendre pleinement le jeu de mots du titre. ;-)

Arès a dit…

Dans tous les cas, les couleurs rendent très bien. ;-)

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