01 novembre 2010

Comme autant de lucioles dans la nuit

Pour éviter que la brigade française anti-plagiat ne me tombe dessus, il me faut préciser que ceci est un extrait statique d'environ 1/2 de seconde du spectacle nocturne proposé chaque soir au parc du Futuroscope et intitulé "Le mystère de la note bleue".

Il s'agit d'un spectacle sons et lumières où rayons lumineux et jets d'eau unissent leurs efforts pour qu'à la faveur de la nuit, l'émerveillement se lise sur les visages admiratifs des petits et grands.

2 commentaire(s):

Mary a dit…

Realy? I´m so happy to hear that!!!
I love ur photographs and u cant imagine wath this means to me.

U´r photographs look so professional that i thought u must be a international photographer!

My favourite photos are the first three. The colours of this photo ^ are beautiful.

The text about Wath is time is written by me and another girl. She neither have a blog nor homepage. But she is on deviantart : http://www.lifepoint.deviantart.com/
With the google translater?
I think that is a REALY bad quality, isnt it?
Im happy that u understand it ;)

Swoo a dit…

Thank you for coming and complimenting Marie! That's very flattering. :-)

You say your favourite pictures are the first three. I guess you're talking about the 5 pictures on this page. But have you had a look on the other pages? Each of them contains about 5 photos and they are listed on the left column.

I hope you'll enjoy! ;-)

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